our mission

Preserve, promote and relish the culture of India through Hindi, the language of the Union of India.

Welcome to International Hindi Association

Established in 1980 in the United States of America, the International Hindi Association (IHA) or Antarashtriya Hindi ‘Samiti’, is one of the most vibrant Hindi institutions in the world.

Its programs and activities focus on fostering the cultural heritage of India through promotion and propagation of Hindi and its literature among Indians abroad to ensure that future generations are not only able to speak Hindi with pride but can also learn and enjoy the reflections of Indian culture abundant in Hindi prose and poetry written through generations. The activities such as Hindi classes, youth camps, poetry recitals (kavi sammelans), literary symposiums and publications promote and inculcate human values inherent in the Indian culture.

This non-religious, non-political, and non-profit lingo-cultural organization is run entirely by volunteers with the support and patronage from its growing membership worldwide.

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अश्वनी भारद्वाज

अन्तराष्ट्रीय हिन्दी समिति,उत्तर पूर्वीय शाखा को सहयोग दें|

डॉ. राकेश रंजन

हिन्दी को अपनाये |

डॉ. सोमनाथ राय

हिन्दी भाषा हर भारतीय की पहचान है |